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People we've helped

Phil (Central Coast NSW), self made, sold up and semi retired. Had taken the advice of a financial planner but no longer saw the need for one, if he could learn  some key skills.A self made person, he wanted to DIY his money. Initially Phil tried to do it all online and through discussion with friends, but soon found out the sheer choice of what's on offer and the various views made this a very lonely and confusing task. Indeed angst would take over every time he was faced with making a money or investment decision.

Recommended to us, he ended up on the phone for over an hour literally as he put it "dumping on us". That was a while back now, and he feels more capable and confident in what to do and how to do it. Phil has told us he reaps tremendous value from our community of investors sharing views and experiences.

Stephanie and David (Melbourne), mid forties and flat out in their respective professions. Smart enough to know that banks and product providers' bias isn't always working in their best interests, they also realised that investing solely in real estate or shares didn't seem wise,either. As independent thinkers, they sought our help in creating a balanced approach to their money today and in investing for tomorrow.

What appealed to them is that we had no bias to shares or property or managed funds. They like continuing to learn and felt our approach equipped them with what they needed. DIY but with guidance that was impartial. 

They enjoy their "indulgences" as they term them today but have taken steps, with our approach, to create a life in the future beyond their 50 hour work weeks.

Lynn (Auckland), After going through a brutal divorce, she was determined to learn how to both manage and invest her money. First and foremost she wanted to learn all the ins and outs. "I will never hand over the responsibility of my financial security to anyone again..." she said at our retreat.

Her focus was on how the money system works and how to play within it without losing control over what is going on. Now working in real estate, she finds this especially useful in her property investments and in diversifying away from this over time.

"I can't believe it took a divorce to find my financial independence again". 

Rick and Elaine (Sydney), Mid 30's and have found the grind of suburban life so draining. As they told us... "One night in front of TV after yet another BBQ with the same friends talking about the same things, Elaine out of the blue suggested that we pack up and live like we used to!" This meant exiting the big house, removing the mortgage, quitting their jobs, not buying endless stuff for their house, and yes "a big leap of faith".


Two children in tow, it took a year of careful preparation in setting up new vocations and unwinding things, not to mention considering where and how they were going to live. "We couldn't have done it so well without your help" they told us. Now 18 months into their new life in Indonesia, "learning about how to create a safety net, medical care, money and real estate was invaluable".

Geoff, (Melbourne), after less than ideal experiences with 'advisers' in shares and financial planning, Geoff felt he could do better himself and pay way less for a better result. 

As a self proclaimed research nut ( and a lecturer in a renowned University), Geoff new the value of education. Until he came to us, he couldn't find a source for both knowledge and skill. Aware that information is not knowledge, he found our approach to be the right combination of theory and applied experience.

Now, he has the confidence, skills and  approach to manage his affairs well. "Knowing what to do (and importantly what not to do) when markets go wild has been of tremendous comfort". 

Sam and Josie, (Melbourne), Recently married and

still deciding what they want to do and where, they

realised that getting married was the ideal time to make

a plan. A road map to follow, before life's events carried them along, like so many of their colleagues and (their worst nightmare) - their parents!

They liked the fact that our neutral and objective environment enabled each of them to talk openly and properly explore what alternatives they could choose from. "Never did we think that we had so much choice available to makes us feel very lucky".

Doug. (Canberra ACT).

I like managing my own retirement fund. Having done this for many years,to be honest,  I have sometimes been overwhelmed, unsure and at times, quite scared at making decisions about my nest egg. 

Like most of my friends, I had always held a brave face when discussing it all with them, but underneath it all it caused me stress and anxiety.

Becoming a member and attending the retreat proved to be a huge relief and provided me with a frame work to distil news and events, take action (or not) and feel ok about doing so. I enjoy deepening my knowledge and skills,  and appreciate h the ongoing services too.

I now invest and manage our affairs with greater confidence and ease. I recommend it!

Jacques and Marie (New Caledonia). Farmers for over 30 years, and nearing 55 they sold up and moved to New Zealand. The adjustment was hard; not the culture or the people but a life after farming and generating an income not from the land. The immense choice of what to do, how to live and then how to support all of it made them (and rightly so as we pointed out) paranoid about how they spent and invested initially.


They knew the funds from the farm sale were now all they had. So what to do? Where to begin? In their view they found our programme an invaluable guide as to how to make decisions and how to run their money in support of that. " Helping us work out where to compromise and how to use tools and products in financial services was invaluable. It saved us from a lot of what would have been, very bad calls". 

Backgrounds of Members


  • Retirees

  • Growing families

  • Self Employed

  • Widows

  • Singles

  • Civil servants

  • Farmers

  • Tradesman

  • Professionals

  • Executives

  • ex-Millitary

 Lim (Singapore), "I dont trust advisers. Even if I did I like doing things my way. I use their information and sometimes listen to their opinions but thats it...... Its the amount of conflicting information I come by and whats going on in this world today that worries me. 

When all this chnage (sic) keeps increasing around the world, what should I do? How should I repond? Thanks to CLAW, now I know. "  

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