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Cost of using Advisers & FAQs

This example compares the cost difference between a typical 'advised' portfolio of $500,000 over 10 years versus us. If you have $50,000 just remove a zero from the result. $5 million, add a zero. 

Planner V Claw savings image.PNG

Tainted advice. Unless you are the ONLY entity cutting the adviser the cheque for all they do for you, then their advice is likley tainted.


This includes banks, investment houses and advice firms owned or supported by them. Stock brokers, real estate agents, industry super funds, even the new 'Fintech- Robo advice solutions are tainted. 

Many accounting firms may have narrow opinions and derive their advice based too much on tax outcomes. Charging on a 'time incured' basis is open to its own distrortion against you.

'Get rich in just 5 easy steps' type schemes are almost always flogging software or a particular asset class like property or a ridiculously expensive course. They are biased or compromised in their world view. 

Any 'free' service offered by the same groups above almost always require using their investment products/ funds.  

Then come the costs. Most of it serves others not just you. The products used, their complexity, the administration reporting systems, the turnover of investments, how you access them, the type of investments recomended and a whole lot more........

This $120,000 difference is WHY insitutions, advisers and product providers dont deliver what we do the way we do it. Simply there is not enough money in it and they cant control you.  

Tainted Design: The base rule to apply when working out if what you are being told or offered is soley just for whats best for you. 

Ask not just the intent of the person you are engaging but their organisation, its parent, products and the services recomended. In the world of advice and investment its difficult to secure a source of assistance that is not tainted.


Beware that professional industry associations are skewed primarily towards the focus and protection of its members not you. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Click on one of these to skip straight to our response:


It seems a lot of money to me, a big commitment.  

Why the 3-4 days at a retreat away from where I live? Can’t I skip this or reduce it?

How much time is involved in doing it myself?

Isn’t an adviser easier and cheaper?

Are there any other costs?

Why 6 months Coaching?

Can I cancel if I change my mind?

What if a location has to be substituted?

Am I locked in ongoing?

Do I have to share the detail of my finances with you or others


How do the payment terms work?

Can my super pay for this and/or claim a tax deduction?

I have some specific things I want to get from it, can you accommodate them?

I’m not all that good at Maths and didn’t go to university……

I’m young, old, not rich, etc etc.

How is this different to advice, self help seminars and so on?


It seems a lot of money to me, a big commitment.  

For Ensemble its about a years' average car lease repayment (something that depreciates). With your fee you get a lifetimes' appreciating benefit.  It should add up to a multiple of many times more in additional wealth, reduced risk and less angst. Importantly this is your key to a fun and secure life. What value do you place on this? 


Included in the fee is enjoying time away somewhere very nice (your working holiday) as well as acquiring the skills and knowhow that positively impacts most other parts of your life. All delivered in a personable way.        6 months of coaching is included too!


Note there are potential tax and superannuation advantages (explained in this FAQ) that may partially offset and fund your fee for Australian and New Zealand residents.

This fee paid only by you garauntees what is provided is only in your best interest. Yes its a commitment. There's nothing like money invested to gain focus and effort.

Why the 3-4 days at a retreat away from where I live? Can’t I skip this or reduce it?

No. It’s tempting to spend the time otherwise for your boss, kids routines or your business instead of getting the rest of your life on track financially isn’t it? (All sarcasm intended). Getting away increases the likelihood of success and hence our reputation in delivering real benefit. So we don’t condense, cram or take short cuts. It’s about priorities and long term what is most beneficial.

How much time is involved in doing it myself?

An hour a week, once you have things set up the way you want them. This hour includes reading. Some do more because they treat investing as a pastime and want to hone their skills to higher levels, but for almost everyone it’s simply not needed to succeed.  Just 5 days a year. If an odd big event in your life or in the world occurs you may invest a little more time on that item. Using an adviser uses on average around 10 hours. Both ways require a visit to your accountant as well.


Isn’t an adviser easier and cheaper?

Yes it’s easier and no, it is not cheaper. Easier because you don’t have to ‘think,’ 'do' or ‘decide’. Not cheaper because you are getting someone else to do the thinking and the work. It’s more about what you want. Save, keep control and DIY your own affairs.  

$54,000 saved: We did a study on average fees charged by advisers and the type of additional costs they end up incurring you over 10 years. Savings exceeded $54,000 (after allowing for our fee) on $500,000 invested. This adds up to $70,000 in opportunity cost.


Want to be your own master (DIYer) and can employ a bit of effort then use our service. An adviser will only frustrate you and not deliver many of the core aspects you seek. Busy people always make time for things that are important to them and their family. This is not an issue of time, but whats important to you and what you really desire from life.

Agents. Brokers - The Spruikers: Whatever they are selling it will cost you. Rarely directly and often never seen but the costs and risks are there. They have inbuilt bias and a conflict of interest with you as an investor. There are NO exceptions.


Are there any other costs?

Getting to and from the closest international airport to the retreat. We take care of the rest from there. Your own ‘out-of-pocket’ expenses are yours to make and pay. We cover the associated costs of the residency programme. Contact us for the list of what we cover, knowing that all big items are included.

Why 6 months Coaching?

It helps you develop new habits essential to success. We also use it to deliver additional layers of knowhow and knowledge that’s more easily absorbed over time. Initially members usually are confronted with issues and questions and so we are on hand to act as an impartial sounding board. Held once per fortnight for up to an hour, they are ‘one to one’ with the odd webinar included.


Can I cancel if I change my mind?

Sometimes. You are not one of hundreds, but part of a select few. The retreats are designed for low numbers and so a cancellation costs us dearly. Nothing gains commitment quite like money.

If a major catastrophe occurs in your household then call us and we will consider what we can to refund part of your payment – less any costs we would still have to incur. We will not refund what a quality Travel and Sickness policy would have otherwise covered. Never travel without one!


What if a location has to be substituted?

Stuff happens, sometimes caused by nature- sometimes by people. If it happens we reserve the right to change venues; and if it’s a regional issue, to a comparable location at a similar date. We will do our best to accommodate a date that suits most in an Ensemble retreat and for those in Select whatever date within 4 months that suits you.


Am I locked in ongoing?

No. After the initial advance payment is made no further ongoing payment is required. Unless exceptional circumstances occur, the initial advance payment is not refundable (see ‘Can I cancel if I change my mind’).  We do assume you will be utilising ongoing membership at just $40/month and so you will have to send us an email with 2 months’ notice if you don’t intend to retain the $40/month subscription, or at some stage you later decide to stop.


As a gesture of thanks we provide an extra month at no charge in this circumstance.


Do I have to share the detail of my finances with you or others (especially at the small group retreat –Ensemble)

No. It helps however if you at least provide an overall view of your situation and history. Numbers not required.  You arent asked to disclose at any time how much you earn or have invested, where, how or what you own. Your background and history paints a picture of how you have approached money and why. It allows us to better tailor content and outcomes for you but detail is not required on the numbers. Ultimately its up to you how much you share.



All attendees in the Ensemble group option must sign a confidentiality agreement. Its  ensuring what is shared by all remains ‘on tour’. For that matter you don’t have to disclose surnames during the Ensemble retreat. Nothing anyone provides us will ever be used in any way that it could be attributable back to any person or couple - ever. We also don’t sell or share information, addresses etc. to anyone from our members. We take confidentiality seriously as it fosters sharing and trust, and is key to the success of what we provide.


How do the payment terms work?

A monthly ongoing fee that reduces by at least 95% after the 6th month. You pay the first 6 months (Ensemble or Select amounts) in one advance payment, 6 weeks prior to the date of the retreat. A refundable deposit to confirm your place of just $300 at time of booking prior to the 6 weeks. Ensemble retreats are generally held outside school holidays and peak season dates in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

After 6 months the $40/month fee is collected 3 monthly in advance. You can if you wish pay annually in advance (for tax purposes).


Can my super pay for this and/or claim a tax deduction?

Each country has different rules and we don’t dispense tax advice. However we can share what has been  passed on from others from Australia and New Zealand on what they did, supporting our own learnings and understanding in these areas..


Australian tax payers: The ongoing fee may be deductible, IF it relates directly to the production of assessable income (51-1 ITAA). A big portion of what we teach most certainly does.


For those that also own an SMSF its generally not tax deductible to the fund (if one or more members are in pension phase), but usually does qualify as an allowable charge to be paid from the fund. This means your SMSF super may be able to pay the fee for the course and its residential programme.

New Zealand tax payers: Our fee may be treated as a allowable expense for the provision of ongoing services (not initial ones of a capital/ establishment nature). Only a very small part of what we share is of a capital nature. There is no SMSF equivalent in NZ.

Our observations on both nations legislations indicate that the cost of your airfare(s) probably are not deductible or chargeable. No one we know of has charged 100% of the fee as a deduction or charge, having decided to err on the side of reasonableness.


For all: GST is payable at 10 -15% of the first 6 months of the fee ONLY IF you attend the retreat component inside the same country you live/pay tax within. For the $40/month GST may apply for NZ residents.

If you intend to claim our fee against some form of tax or retirement structure, we suggest you seek independent qualified advice from a registered tax adviser.


I have some specific things I want to get from it, can you accommodate them?

Generally yes. By learning about what each person is seeking before they attend, it enables us to partly tailor the Ensemble retreat and fully do so for Select members. We can also skew part of the ongoing coaching to accommodate as much as is practical.

For those wanting much deeper learning on an issue/topic we can help in two ways; First via the member only resource centre and second, by guiding you to further learning from reputable parties we would support. Should enough demand from many on a topic surface, then we are open to creating a specific additional unit of knowhow for members.


I still have questions and want to speak to the founder first.

Then send an email and let’s make a time to chat.

Can I see more detail about what I will learn first? Of course! An outline of the areas and topics can be found on the website We are also happy to forward excerpts of the programme to you upon request.

I have a few friends /colleagues that might be interested. Can I gain a discount?

Yes if they are your live-in partner. We charge only the direct costs of hosting at cost when they attend the same Retreat with you.

For others you know, if they enroll within 3 months of your enrollment (but not necessarily attend the same Retreat as the one you attend), then we will provide you with a 5%-10% discount (Select/Ensemble) on your full programme fee once they have paid theirs (partners of either are as per the first paragraph).

Refer anyone else outside this time frame, and they tell us you did so when they registered, then we will waive 6 months of your ongoing membership (outside the first 6 month payment).

A group of you interested in attending at the same time? Then yes we will deliver a saving and can provide a tailored experience. Just ask and lets see what we can acehive together. 


I’m not all that good at Maths and didn’t go to university……

Big deal! Seriously, it’s not required so long as you are willing to dust off some simple arithmetic skills and are brave to adopt an open mind. This is all you will need as long as you are motivated to succeed.

Most technical complexity is when you’re trying to be a great investor (not a good one- and that’s all that’s needed). Some believe it has to be complex to be really beneficial especially if you are already very wealthy. That’s where a lot of accountants and advisers in large banks like to operate - it helps justify the fees! The reality is very different.  So relax. The science isn’t hard or complex. You can even outsource anything in this department anyway; and we show you how at low cost!


I’m young, old, not rich, etc etc……

Again, big deal. This stuff spans ages, backgrounds, singles, couples, lifestyles, cultures, and degrees of wealth already made (or lost). We have served many of all creeds and backgrounds. You will discover none of that matters. Our youngest was 24, the oldest so far - 81.

How is this different to advice, self help seminars and so on?

Very. Here's where...... 

1. Its not about a hot house of enthusiasm and the tricksters device of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)

2. Its not selling any investments, products on other courses etc etc (just a very low monthly membership fee to remain part of our community of DIYers.

3. We have no bias to what you invest in or how (even though by now you probably do- and that's not always good)

4. We don't tell you what to do (we just show you what you can do then how you can do it)

5. We aren't promising greatness and  from zero to hero in a year etc

6 Our only vested interest is in you participating in this course and service. No other agenda

7. Books and seminars provide part of the answer but are low on 'How' and ensuring your make the changes required.

8. Its more than education course... it delivers knowhow then it helps you gain traction. Knowing something is different to doing something.. A big part of what you will receive is educative but we provide far more than any educational institution ever would. 

9. This is not owned by a big corporation or a financial entity looking to sell something else. We are deliberately small and private.

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